March 2015: Update from Denmark

Vol. 7, Issue 1  |  March 2015


Yaahh, only 5 months to go!

By Per Boisen Andersen

Then we will welcome you to the 57th International Garden Centre Congress, to be held in Denmark from 9 to 14 August 2015.  By now we have more than 120 registered delegates, and the study tour is almost sold out.
Read more about  IGCA Denmark 2015 on 

OBS! And make sure to register before March 31 to get the Early-Bird discount. 


Four free garden magazines this year!

For several years we have released the free customer magazine “Haveglæder” (Garden Joy). This year we are able to publish four magazines; 

• Early spring
• Spring
• Summer
• Autumn 

The early spring number is already to find in the garden centres.  And you can read the issue online right here:


Best push notification of the year

As we have told you before, we published the garden app, “Haveglæder” (Garden Joy) in 2013. It was received with great success and was shortly after the publication elected Best App of the Week by an online expert on a major Danish television show. 

Everytime we update both app and website, we also send a push notification, and today it is time to send the very best one:

Hooray, the Calendar now shows March. The Eranthis lights up in yellow and the small perennial sprouts trickles out of the ground. It’s springtime 🙂




IGCC Denmark 2015 on Facebook 

Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get:

∗ The latest updates about what to see during the congress
∗ Knowledge of Denmark, our culture and Danish products    
∗ Tips for an even better stay here in August



Per Boisen Andersen
Danske Havecentre


 Click below for all of the stories from this issue:

Message from the President

IGCA Office Update


Garden RELEAF a Winner for Australian Garden Centres


Spring is coming in Canada


New Year in Czech Republic

Retail Sales 2014: VAT in the Spotlight in France


Hello from Germany!

Update from Ireland

News From Italy

Update from Japan


Insider Tip: Save the Dates for 2016

IGCA Meeting in Beautiful Switzerland


News from the UK 

Painting Parties Pull People into Garden Centres to Shop in the USA