March 2015: Update from Czech Republic

Vol. 7, Issue 1  |  March 2015


New Year in Czech Republic

By Michal Ferenčík

The beginning of the year starts with the meeting of the middle management. Members discuss what to prepare for customers this year and how to implement changes at all our garden centres. From this meeting and also from the meeting of owners comes ideas for improvements. These discussions from our group, in cooperation with the suppliers, are put into the presentations of the products to customers. Now the time is running into the spring season. We are preparing the gardens and indoor parts of the shops for a really great spring season of 2015. 


All garden centres made “a weekends with orchids,” some also add the tulips as an invitation of the spring. These weekends were really successful, and are also a thank you to the nice weather. These pictures are from the events.

Michal Ferenčík
Garden Centre Ferenčík



 Click below for all of the stories from this issue:

Message from the President

IGCA Office Update


Garden RELEAF a Winner for Australian Garden Centres


Spring is coming in Canada


Only 5 months to go – News from Denmark

Retail Sales 2014: VAT in the Spotlight in France

Hello from Germany!

Update from Ireland

News From Italy

Update from Japan


Insider Tip: Save the Dates for 2016

IGCA Meeting in Beautiful Switzerland


News from the UK 

Painting Parties Pull People into Garden Centres to Shop in the USA