December 2012
Number 16, December 2012
Do be sure to register your interest for the IGCA Congress in Australia
– October 6 – 11, 2013.
Have a look at for information. Web registration system will be live in the next few weeks. Apologies for the delay.
Greetings from IGCA President Nick Stodel
The IGCA recently had a very successful congress in Germany where garden centres around Bonn were visited. Representatives from 18 countries were present, with big groups of delegates from Canada and Japan. The study tour has allowed the IGCA to attract a younger group to the congresses which has added a lot of value to the tour, also for other members. The garden centres we visited were of a very high standard and there is no doubt that those that took part in the tour would have enough ideas to implement for a lifetime.
To see ideas from the German congress, and video clips, visit our Facebook site at
The administrators meeting is taking place in February next year in Ireland. The IGCA is very proud that this meeting will see the biggest group of Garden Centre administrators ever getting together in one place. It is sure to give association staff ideas on best practices in managing associations. There are 25 people from 15 countries meeting for 3 days, all focused on association management and an overview of what is happening in their garden centre industry.
The IGCA has visited Denmark twice in its 52 year history, once in 1966, and the last time we were there was in 1994. We are delighted to be visiting them again in 2015 and thank them for being willing to arrange this congress.
Nick Stodel | Managing Director | Stodels Nurseries
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