E-News: March 2014

March 2014

Number 21, March 2014

President’s Message

As the first e-news of 2014, let me begin by saying Happy New Year! The IGCA board and administrators met in Denmark this past December, and we would like to thank Per Boisen Andersen and Steen Vinkler for their hospitality during our stay. We were able to visit a variety of garden centres and enjoy some of the Christmas markets nearby. It was a fabulous pre-tour, and we are looking forward to joining you again for the 2015 Congress. The meetings were very productive, with a strategic focus to help us make our goals become a reality over the next few years.

With the administrator’s meeting behind us, we are now putting our focus on the upcoming congress in Ireland. Registrations are coming in quickly, and we are looking forward to welcoming all of our friends. Please visit www.igccireland2014.com for more details.

Be sure to stay up to date with the latest information from IGCA by visiting www.intgardencentre.org, or find us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/IGCAssociation), and Twitter (@IGCAssociation). We anticipate 2014 will be a great year for the IGCA and I look forward to seeing you all in Ireland this August!


Rachel Doyle.
President IGCA. Arboretum Garden Centre, Ireland. E: rachel@arboretum.ie


* Click here to download the full March 2014 Enews!